



1. 問題をよく読むこと。


2. ライティングの計画を立てる


3. エッセイをうまく構成する


  • イントロダクション、本文、結論の3つのパートに分けるべきです。イントロダクションと結論はエッセイを分かりやすくするために重要なだけでなく、文字数を増やすのにも役立ちます。
  • 本文では、段落ごとにアイデアを分ける必要があります – 新しいアイデアについて話したいときは、必ず改行して新しい段落から書き始めましょう。
  • まとまりを持たせる工夫をすることで、1つ1つのアイデアをつなげることができます。firstly、next、finally、in conclusion、however、in contrastなどの単語を積極的に使いましょう。

4. 様々な文法や語彙を使うようにしましょう。


5. 練習、練習、練習。




IELTS Writing Tips

Taking the IELTS test can be difficult. Every part of the test – listening, reading, writing and speaking – can challenge even the best English learner. However, after teaching IELTS in Japan for several years, I’ve noticed that it is often the skills of writing and speaking that students struggle with the most. With that in mind, here are some general tips to help you with the writing part of the IELTS test:

1. Read the question carefully. 

Your answer must be relevant to the question, so it’s important to read the question carefully to determine exactly what it is asking you to do. Is the question asking you to summarise data or describe a diagram or process? Is it asking you to agree or disagree with a statement? Is it asking you to discuss two opposing viewpoints? Make sure that you answer every part of the question – if the question asks you to discuss two viewpoints AND give your opinion, make sure that you do both of those things. 

2. Plan your answer

Planning your answer is essential to make sure that you don’t run out of things to say halfway through. Your plan shouldn’t be long – just a quick mindmap to put down some ideas on paper. When you have all of your ideas, number them in the order you want to talk about them in your essay.

3. Structure your essay well

Your essay should be structured well so that it is easy for the reader to follow your argument.

  1. It should be divided into three parts – an introduction, the main body, and a conclusion. Not only are the introduction and conclusion important for making your essay easier to follow, but they also help you to increase your word count easily.
  2. In your main body, you should divide your ideas using paragraphs – start a new paragraph on the next line every time you want to talk about a new idea.
  3. Use cohesive devices to connect your ideas and guide the reader through your essay. Cohesive devices include words like firstly, next, finally, in conclusion, however, and in contrast. 

4. Try to use a variety of grammar and vocabulary. 

You will be graded on the level and variety of your grammar and vocabulary, and your score will improve if you use high-level grammar even if you make some small mistakes. You should try to learn new vocabulary in your IELTS studies. Read a lot in order to learn new vocabulary in its correct context.

5. Practise, practise, practise. 

Write something every day. It doesn’t have to be a specific IELTS practice question (although you should do these too), but you should aim to practise writing in English as much as you can. Write a diary. Write a blog. Write little summaries of English articles or books that you’ve read. The more you write, the more comfortable you will get with writing. 


If you’re thinking about taking the IELTS test in the future, why not take an IELTS course at Connect? Our experienced, professional teachers will help you to get the IELTS score that you need! Check our IELTS lesson page for more details, or sign up for a free taiken lesson







  • “Hi, my name is [〜]. Nice to meet you!”
  • “Where are you from?”
  • “What do you do for work?”
  • “How long have you been learning English?”
  • “I found this place by searching the internet.”


  • “I’m from [〜], and I’ve been living in [〜] for [〜].”
  • “I enjoy [〜], and I’m also interested in learning about different cultures.”




  • “What brings you to this English café today?”
  • “Have you been to this café before?”
  • “What do you usually do in your free time?”


  • “Do you like traveling? Where have you been recently?”
  • “Have you watched any good films or shows recently?”




  • “That sounds interesting!”
  • “Really? Tell me more about it.”
    (本当ですか? もっと教えてください。)
  • “I see what you mean.”
  • “Right.”  “I see.”  “Ok.”


  • “How do you say [〜] in English?”
  • “How did you get into that?”
  • “What do you like most about it?”
  • “Have you ever tried [〜]?”




  • “It’s such a nice day today, isn’t it?”


  • “What’s your favourite place to hang out in this city?”
  • “Have you tried any good restaurants recently?”


  • “Hold on.”
  • “Could you say that again?”
    “Come again?”(カジュアル)
  • “How can I explain this?”
  • “Am I making sense?”
    “Do you know what I mean?”




  • “I’d better be off now.”
    “I think it’s time for me to leave.”
  • “It was great talking with you!”
  • “I hope to see you again next time.”
  • “Thanks for sharing! Have a great day.”


  • 笑顔とアイコンタクトを忘れずに:リラックスした態度が好印象を与えます。
  • 間違いを気にしない:英会話カフェは練習の場です。完璧でなくても問題ありません!
  • 積極的に話す:最初は緊張するかもしれませんが、相手も同じ気持ちかもしれません。一歩踏み出してみましょう。




Phrases for English Conversation Cafes

Speak naturally with people you’re meeting for the first time

An English conversation cafe is a place where you can practise speaking English in a relaxed environment. You might feel nervous when talking in English with someone you’re meeting for the first time, but if you learn a few useful phrases, you can enjoy communicating with confidence! In this article, we’ll introduce some helpful phrases.

Phrases for introducing yourself

You’ll often have to start by introducing yourself if you go to an English conversation cafe. Use the following phrases to introduce yourself smoothly:

  • Hi, my name is [~]. Nice to meet you!
  • Where are you from?
  • What do you do for work?
  • How long have you been learning English?
  • I found this place by searching the internet.

For a more detailed self-introduction:

  • I’m from [~], and I’ve been living in [~] for [~].
  • I enjoy [~], and I’m also interested in learning about different cultures.

Starting a conversation

Simple questions are great for starting conversations with people who you’ve just met.

Asking about hobbies:

  • What brings you to this English cafe today?
  • Have you been to this cafe before?
  • What do you usually do in your free time?
  • Finding common interests
  • Do you like travelling? Where have you been recently?
  • Have you watched any good films or shows recently?

Keep the conversation going with reactions and comments:

In order to keep the conversation going, it’s important to show interest and ask questions.

Showing interest:

  • That sounds interesting!
  • Really? Tell me more about it.
  • I see what you mean.
  • Right. I see. OK.

Questions for deepening the conversation:

  • How do you say [~] in English?
  • How did you get into that?
  • What do you like most about it?
  • Have you ever tried [~]?

Phrases for chatting and small talk

Casual conversation topics are perfect for the atmosphere of an English conversation cafe.

About the weather:

  • “It’s such a nice day, today, isn’t it?”

Everyday topics

  • “What’s your favourite place to hang out in this city?”
  • “Have you tried any good restaurants recently?”

For when you can’t speak as smoothly as you want:

  • “Hold on.”
  • “Could you say that again?”
  • “Come again?”
  • “How can I explain this?”
  • “Am I making sense?”
  • “Do you know what I mean?”

Ending a conversation

When it’s time to leave, or you need to move on to the next conversation, it’s best to end the conversation well.

  • “I’d better be off now.”
  • “I think it’s time for me to leave.”
  • “It was great talking with you!”
  • “I hope to see you again next time.”
  • “Thanks for sharing! Have a great day.”


Some more tips for English conversation success:

  • Don’t forget to smile and make eye contact. A relaxed attitude leaves a good impression.
  • Don’t worry about mistakes. English cafes are places to practise – it’s ok if your English isn’t perfect!
  • Be proactive in starting conversations. You might feel nervous at first, but your conversation partner probably feels the same way too. Let’s be proactive and take the first step!


If you can remember these phrases, your conversation will go more smoothly, and you’ll have more fun. Feel free to use this article as a reference, and get the most out of your next English conversation cafe visit.

Here at Connect, in Imaike, Nagoya, we are currently offering free taiken lessons. If you would like to start learning English, or if you want to brush up on your English skills, sign up for our free trial lesson! You don’t need to worry if you’re someone who gets nervous easily. After a short level check, our experienced teachers will find the trial lesson that is the right fit for you, and take you through it in a relaxed, at-home atmosphere. If you have any questions or you would like to know more, please contact us








What kind of a place is Connect English School?

Interview Article from Study Chain

Hey everyone! It’s Keigo from Connect. 

Study Chain, an educational media specialising in education and cram school information, interviewed us and featured our school, Connect English School, in their list of schools in Imaike, Nagoya!

The online article: https://studychain.jp/interview/connect-eikaiwa/

The article talks about the details of our lessons, student demographics, the background of the school’s establishment and our vision for the future and includes things you can’t see just by looking at our website. The article is easy to read, whether you’re a current student or someone who is curious about Connect English School, and includes information on how we help students study for IELTS.

Connect English is always looking for free trials! Please apply here.

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask! We look forward to hearing from you!





オリンピック種目には、ペナルティキック、シュート、フェンシング、縄跳び等がありました。子どもたちは順番に競技を行い、得点上位者が優勝となりました。レッスンの最後にはクロージング・セレモニー(※3)が行われ、金、銀、銅のメダルが授与されました。選手の皆さん、特にグループレッスンの金メダル獲得者、おめでとうございます: アーロン、ユマ、ホノカ!


  1. iconic – 象徴。とても有名でよく知られているもの。
  1. parading – 何かを祝ったり、見せたりするために列を作って歩くこと。
  1. ceremony – 式典。特別な日の正式な行事。
  1. spirit – 精神。熱意やエネルギー。

A Week of Olympic Fun 

Recently at Connect Eikaiwa School, we had an Olympic-themed week with our kindergarten and elementary classes. It was a fun time filled with learning and games!

Our classrooms became a mini Olympic village, decorated with the iconic 5 rings logo, world flags and famous athletes. We started each class by teaching the word ‘Olympics’ and the names of different countries and sports.

One of the highlights was the craft activity where the children made flags of different countries. The children also participated in a fun opening ceremony, parading around the room and proudly presenting their flag to introduce their chosen country. 

Our Olympic events included penalty kick, shooting, fencing, skipping rope and more. Each child took turns playing, and the top scorers won the events. The lessons ended with a closing ceremony where we gave out gold, silver, and bronze medals. Congratulations to all the athletes, especially the group lesson gold medal winners: Aaron, Yuma and Honoka! 

Thank you to everyone who made this event special and showed Olympic spirit. Stay tuned for more fun events at Connect Eikaiwa School! If you or someone you know is interested in our classes, please contact us to book a free trial lesson. We hope to see you soon!


  • iconic (adj) – very famous and well-known
    The Eiffel Tower is an iconic building in Paris
  • parade (v) – walk in a line to celebrate or show something
    The children enjoyed parading their flags around the classroom.
  • ceremony (n) – a formal event for a special occasion
    The graduation ceremony will be held in the main hall.
  • spirit (n) – the feeling of enthusiasm and energy
    The students showed great spirit during the Olympic Games. 

よく間違える英語 – 和製英語




例)「I’m a safety driver.」 安全運転です。safetyは名詞なので、このフレーズは正しくない。この文では、形容詞の「safe」が正しい。「I’m a safe driver. 」あるいは、副詞のsafelyを動詞と一緒に使う。「I drive safely.」(私は安全に運転します)。

日本人は言葉を短くするのが好きで、これは和製英語でも同じである。残念ながら、英語圏の人は元の単語を同じように短縮しないことが多いので、カタカナ語が英語でも同じだと思わない方が良い。アイスは通常、英語では氷という意味しかない。バニラやチョコレート味のデザートを食べたいときは、「ice cream 」アイスクリームと頼もう。同様に、サンドイッチが欲しいときは「〜sand」と頼まない方が良い。「sand」はビーチでお城を作る「砂」である!


この言葉はここ数ヶ月でちょっとした流行語になったが、おそらく英語では同じようには使わない。まず第一に、インバウンドは形容詞または副詞であり、名詞ではない。また、基本的に特定の場所に向かって移動することを意味するため、必ずしも観光客を指すとは限らない。そのため、英語では名詞と一緒に使う必要がある(例:The number of inbound flights has dramatically increased over the last year)。日本にいる観光客について一般的に話すには「overseas visitors」「foreign tourists」「 tourists を使うだろう。

英語で「mansion」とは、例えばビバリーヒルズにある映画スターが住んでいるような、とても大きな家のことである。日本のマンションを言うなら、「apartment block」、「condominium block」(アメリカ)「block of flats」(イギリス)と言うだろう。



Common Mistakes – Japanese English

There is one particular type of mistake that is common to Japan, and that is the incorrect use of Japanese English, or wasei-eigo

By Japanese English, I mean English loan words that have been added to the Japanese language over time – for example, カメラ (camera), or ハンバーガー (hamburger). Usually, these words don’t give us any problems, and English speakers can understand them perfectly (although the pronunciation may be a little different). However, there are some Japanese English words that are a little confusing to an English speaker.

We’ve already looked at the word claim in a previous blog post. Here are a few more examples of Japanese English that would sound odd or incorrect if you tried to use it in English: 

safety | セーフティー
Eg. “I’m a safety driver.” This common phrase is incorrect because safety is a noun. In this particular sentence, the adjective, safe, would be correct – “I’m a safe driver.” Alternatively, the adverb safely could be used with a verb: “I drive safely.” 

ice | アイス
Japanese people love to shorten words, and this also includes foreign loan words. Unfortunately, English speakers often don’t shorten the original words in the same way, so don’t just assume that the katakana word is the same in English. Ice usually only means frozen water in English. If you want a frozen vanilla or chocolate-flavoured dessert, please ask for ice cream. Similarly, if you want a sandwich, don’t ask for a sand sand is something that you build castles with at the beach!

viking | バイキング
When a friend first invited me to a viking restaurant I had no idea what to expect; I imagined Danish food, and a lot of mead drunk out of horn-shaped cups. It turns out that a viking restaurant is an all-you-can-eat buffet restaurant, so please use all-you-can-eat buffet next time you want to invite an English speaker out to dinner!

inbound | インバウンド
This is a word has become a bit of a buzzword in recent months, but we probably wouldn’t use it in the same way in English. First of all, inbound is an adjective or adverb, not a noun. Also, it doesn’t necessarily refer to tourists, as it basically means moving towards a particular place. So, in order to use it in English we should use it together with a noun, (eg. The number of inbound flights has increased dramatically over the last year). To talk generally about tourists in Japan we’d probably use overseas visitors, foreign tourists, or, simply, tourists

mansion | マンション
In English, a mansion is a very large house, like the ones where movie stars live in Beverly Hills, for example. To talk about a Japanese マンション, we would say apartment block, condominium block (US) or block of flats (UK).

There are many more examples of incorrect or unnatural Japanese English, or wasei-eigo. These words can be confusing if you’re trying to learn English. The important thing to remember about them is that while they may sound English, they are actually Japanese. Don’t just assume that an English-speaking person will understand what you mean if you use these words in conversation. If you’re unsure, don’t be afraid to use a dictionary to check what the proper English translation is. 

This blog is part of a series on common English mistakes that Japanese people make. Click here to view the other blog posts in the series.


  • Word (v) – english explanation – 日本語
  • Word (n) – english explanation – 日本語
  • Word (adj) – english explanation – 日本語
  • Word (v) – english explanation – 日本語









Celebrating 10 Years of Connect English

This year, we are celebrating the 10th anniversary of Connect Eikaiwa in Imaike, Nagoya! To mark the occasion, we had a big party with current and former staff and students. The event was full of fun, food, and fantastic memories.

We started with human bingo, a great way for everyone to meet and chat. The buffet and bar were delicious, but the highlight was the big anniversary cake, designed by Ben—it looked amazing and tasted even better.

Our resident DJ Keigo played music all night, and we enjoyed a special performance by Zak and two talented students, adding a unique touch to the evening.

Nilesh gave a heartfelt speech, thanking everyone who’s been part of Connect English over the past decade. This was followed by a presentation on the school’s history, reminding us of all the important moments we’ve had together.

A particularly touching moment was watching video messages from past teachers and students, like Dave who co-founded the school with Nilesh. It was moving to hear their fond memories and see the impact Connect Eikaiwa has had on their lives.

The celebration was a beautiful reminder of the strong community we’ve built. Here’s to many more years of learning, friendship, and success at Connect Eikaiwa in Imaike! Huge thanks to everyone who made this milestone unforgettable, especially Leedy, Noriko, GRAND CHEF for the meal, and Mustard Seed church for the venue.

Here’s to 10 more years of Connect, Cheers! 


  • occasion (n) – A special event or time.
  • former (adj) – Having previously been in a particular role or position.
  • heartfelt (adj) – Sincere; deeply and strongly felt.
  • milestone (n) – A significant stage or event in the development of something.
  • touching (adj) – Causing feelings of sympathy or gratitude; emotionally moving.
  • unforgettable (adj) – Impossible to forget; very memorable.

イマージョン学習 Pt.3 : 流暢なアウトプットへの旅

あなたの語学力を解き放つ: 流暢なアウトプットへの旅



1. スピーキングとライティングを始めよう


2. 不安感を和らげましょう。




4. リスニングとシャドーイング


5. 定期的に練習しましょう。


Unlocking Your Language Skills: The Journey to Fluent Output

In our previous blog post, we looked at some tips to get you started (and to keep you going) on your immersion learning journey. This time, we’ll be focusing on your journey to fluid output.

1. Start Speaking and Writing

As you’ve been absorbing English by listening and reading, it’s now time to actively use the language. Begin your output journey by writing simple texts about your daily activities or thoughts, and start having real conversations, even if they’re just short exchanges in a café or online. This practice helps build confidence and comfort in using English in various real-life situations.

2. Ease Anxiety

Feeling nervous about making mistakes when using a new language is completely normal. Remember, every mistake is an opportunity to learn and improve. Focus on making progress, however small, and not on being perfect right from the start.

3. Feedback and Practice

After you engage in writing or speaking, use apps like HelloTalk and Tandem to get real-time feedback from native speakers. This allows you not only to practice English but also to immediately apply corrections and tips to improve. Regular feedback, whether from friends, teachers, or online interactions, is crucial for learning effectively and reducing mistakes over time.

4. Listening and Shadowing

Choose a ‘language parent’—someone whose English is very good and who you enjoy listening to, like a YouTuber or a character from an English TV show. Spend significant time listening to them and try to mimic their way of speaking. This shadowing technique improves pronunciation and helps you sound more natural.

5. Practice Regularly

Keep practicing your writing and speaking as much as you can. The more you use English, the more comfortable you’ll become in everyday situations. Use your experiences and the feedback you receive to continually improve and confidently move forward in your language learning journey.

Reference: https://refold.la/

日本人がよく間違える英語:“The” と “a” の使い分け方

“The” と “a” は最も頻繁に使用される単語の 1 つですが、上級レベルの方でもこれらの単語の使い方を間違えることがよくあります。さらに、​​​​もし間違った使い方をしてもノンネイティブは気づかないかもしれませんが、ネイティブ はすぐに気づきます。しかしながら、この2つの単語さえ正しく使用できれば、非常に流暢に聞こえるでしょう。それでは、”the” と “a” のの使い方を簡単に見てみましょう。

まず、 ”the” と ”a” がどのような単語なのかを考えてみましょう。これらは定冠詞 ( “the” )と不定冠詞( “a” ) と呼ばれます。簡単に言うと、名詞が特定のものか一般的なものかによって使い分けられます。

例えば「私は猫を飼っています。」の英訳を考えてみましょう。世の中には、たくさんの猫がいます。したがって ”cat” と言う単語は特定の猫を指すものではありません。同様に ”bird” 、 ”dog” 、 ”pen” 、 ”family” も世の中に多く存在していますので、​​これらのような名詞は一般不定詞 ”a”​​ が付きます。ですから、「私は猫を飼っています。」という文章を英訳すると ”I have a cat.” という文章になります。同じように、「犬を見ました。」という文章は  “I saw a dog.” という文章になります。

ただし、定冠詞と不定冠詞のどちらを使用するかによって文脈が変わることがあります。「私は猫を飼っています。」という文章をもう一度考えてみましょう。世の中には間違いなくたくさんの猫がいますが、あなたの家にはおそらく 1 匹か 2 匹の猫しかいないでしょう​​。​​​​​​では、自分の猫に餌をあげた場合、英語ではどのように言うでしょうか。 ”I fed my cat.” と言うこともできますが、 ネイティブ は ”I fed the cat.”  をよく使います。特定の猫に餌をあげた場合、それは間違いなく自分の猫だからです。したがって、 ”I fed the cat.” という文章は、「私は自分の猫に餌をあげました。」ということを意味します。

“I fed the cat.” の意味を理解できましたか?自分の猫に餌をあげたのであれば ”I fed the cat.” が正解です。”I fed a cat.” は、他の状況でよく使われています。その意味を見ていきましょう。

“I fed a cat.” という文章は一般不定冠詞を使用しているため、 ”I fed a cat.” という場合、その猫は特定の猫ではないことを意味します。たとえば、帰宅途中に野良猫が現れて餌をやった場合、 ”I fed a cat.” という文章が使われています。これは、その野良猫は自分の猫ではなく、似たような猫が多数存在するため、一般名詞として扱われるためです。そのため、不定冠詞が使用されています。もし、世の中に野良猫が1匹しかいないのであれば、 ”the cat” を使用できますが、そうではないので使用できません。

さらに、例えば近所に野良猫が一匹いて、近所の人がみんなその野良猫を知っている場合、近所の人と話すときに ”I fed the neighborhood cat.” と言うことができます。野良猫はたくさんいるのに、近所の野良猫は一匹しかいないので ”the neighborhood cat.” を使います。


“Yesterday a cat approached me so I gave it food. The cat came back today so I gave it food again.”



いかがでしたか? ”The”  と “a” の使い方はわかりましたか?考えれば考えるほど難しく感じるかもしれませんが、慣れればネイティブのように使えるようになります!自信を持って使ってみましょう!


How to use “The” and “A”

The words “the” and “a” are among the most frequently used words, but even advanced learners often make mistakes using them. Furthermore, if you do make a mistake, non-native speakers might not notice, but native speakers will spot it immediately. However, if you can use just these two words correctly, you will sound incredibly proficient! So, let’s take a simple look at how to use “the” and “a”.

First, let’s consider what kind of words “the” and “a” are. They are called definite articles (“the”) and indefinite articles (“a”). Simply put, they are used depending on whether the noun is specific or general.

For example, let’s consider the phrase “私は猫を飼っています” (I have a cat). In this world, there are many cats. Therefore, the word “cat” does not specify a particular cat. Similarly, words like “bird,” “dog,” “pen,” and “family” exist in large numbers, so these kinds of nouns take the general indefinite article “a.” So, the sentence “私は猫を飼っています” translates to “I have a cat.” Similarly, the sentence “犬を見ました” translates to “I saw a dog.”

However, the context can change whether you use a definite or indefinite article. Let’s reconsider the sentence “I have a cat.” There are undoubtedly many cats in the world, but you probably have only one or two cats in your home. So, if you fed your cat, how would you say it in English? While you can say “I fed my cat,” native speakers often use “I fed the cat.” This is because if you fed a specific cat, it is undoubtedly your own cat. Therefore, the sentence “I fed the cat” conveys the meaning “I fed my cat.”

Do you understand the meaning of “I fed the cat”? If you fed your own cat, then “I fed the cat” is correct, but in other situations, “I fed a cat” can also be used. Let’s look at its meaning.

The sentence “I fed a cat” uses the general indefinite article, so when someone says “I fed a cat,” it means that the cat in question is not a specific one. For example, if a stray cat appeared while you were on your way home and you fed it, you would say “I fed a cat.” This is because the stray cat is not your cat, and there are many similar cats, so it is treated as a general noun. Thus, an indefinite article is used. If there were only one stray cat in the world, you could use “the cat,” but since that’s not the case, you can’t use it.

Additionally, for example, if there is one stray cat in your neighborhood and everyone in the neighborhood knows this stray cat, you can say “I fed the neighborhood cat” when talking to people in your neighborhood. While there are many stray cats, there is only one stray cat in your neighborhood, so you use “the neighborhood cat.”

Lastly, let’s address the transition from an indefinite article (a/an) to a definite article (the). Sometimes you may be discussing something that is indefinite to start but becomes definite as the conversation progresses. Let’s use the following as an example: 

“Yesterday a cat approached me so I gave it food. The cat came back today so I gave it food again.”

In the above example, the cat starts as an indefinite article in the first sentence and takes the indefinite article “a”. In the second sentence, we now know what cat we are talking about (the cat I gave food to yesterday). Thus, it takes the definite article “the” because we understand what cat we are discussing. 

How was that? Did you understand how to use “the” and “a”? The more you think about it, the more difficult it may seem, but once you get used to it, you’ll be able to use them like a native speaker! Let’s use them with confidence!

This blog is part of a series on common English mistakes that Japanese people make. Click here to view the other blog posts in the series.

英語のコア・エリア: 正確さ










  • 文法・発音ドリル – ほとんどの人にとって退屈に思えるかもしれませんが、教室や自宅での文法ドリルは、特に初級の学習者にとって、文法構造やその使い方の基本的な理解を深めるのに最適な方法です。
  • 文脈の中で語彙を学ぶ – 新しい単語を学ぶときは、意味だけでなく、その単語がどのように使われるかを学ぶことが大切です。よく使われる単語の組み合わせ(コロケーション)は正しいか?フォーマルかインフォーマルか?例文などがあればメモしておきましょう。
  • 繰り返した間違いをメモする – 英語学習者であれば、誰でも何度も繰り返してしまう間違いがあるものです。自分がどのような間違いをしているのか、先生やネイティブの友達に聞けば喜んで教えてくれるでしょう。自分が話したり書いたりするときに、このような間違いに注意して、自分で訂正してみましょう。
  • 添削 – コネクトのような語学学校に通うことが有益な理由のひとつです!英語を話す友人も添削してくれますが、友人はあなたへの心遣いから、添削してくれないこともよくあります。
  • 本物の英語 – 正確さを向上させる最善の方法のひとつは、正しい英語に浸ることです。できるだけ多くの英語を読んだり、見たり、聞いたりすることで、何が正しくて、何が正しくないのかを理解できるようになります。正しい文脈で使われる単語を聞けば、正しい発音とイントネーションを聞くことになります。イマージョン・ラーニングとその方法についてもっとお知りになりたい方は、イマージョン・ラーニングに関するブログ記事をご覧ください。



Core Areas: Accuracy

Here at Connect, we believe in the importance of all of the key skills, or core areas, of language proficiency. In this series of blog posts, we will be looking at each core area in turn, and giving you some tips for how you can improve your skills in that area. Our first core area is Accuracy. 

What is accuracy?

When it comes to language learning, accuracy is generally thought of as the ability to use a language correctly. This not only includes the correct use of grammar, but of vocabulary and pronunciation as well. 

Why is accuracy important?

Accuracy is important because it affects communication. While some small inaccuracies can be overlooked, a lack of accuracy can cause confusion and misunderstanding for the listener. What’s more, the average native English speaker outside of the English classroom may not be as patient or understanding as your English teacher, and misunderstandings caused by inaccuracies can often lead to frustration and breakdowns in communication.

OK, now I’m worried about my accuracy…

While it is true that accuracy is important, you shouldn’t worry about it too much. One problem that many English learners here in Japan have is that they worry about their accuracy so much that they often don’t say anything at all. Does that sound familiar to you? Although you should try to be accurate, the important thing to remember is that it’s OK to make mistakes! Making mistakes is often how we learn, especially when they are pointed out to us and we are given the chance to correct them. So, don’t be afraid of making mistakes – try to say something! Your accuracy will improve over time. 

Ways to improve your accuracy

Here are some ways you can improve your accuracy:

  • Grammar and pronunciation drillsWhile they may seem boring to most people, grammar exercises in the classroom or at home can be a great way to improve your basic understanding of grammatical structures and how to use them, especially for lower level learners.
  • Learning vocabulary in contextWhen learning a new word, it’s important to learn not just the meaning, but how that word is used. Are there any common word combinations (collocations)? Is it formal or informal? Take note of any example sentences that you see.
  • Making a note of any repeated mistakesAs language learners, we all have certain mistakes that we make again and again. If you don’t know which mistakes you make, your teacher or native-speaking friend will be happy to tell you if you ask them. Listen out for these mistakes when you speak or write and correct yourself.
  • CorrectionBeing corrected is one of the ways we learn to fix our accuracy mistakes, and is one of the main reasons why we believe going to a language school like Connect can be so beneficial! English-speaking friends can also help to correct you, but friends will often not correct you out of politeness.
  • Real EnglishOne of the best ways to improve your accuracy is to immerse yourself in correct English. If you read, watch and listen to as much English as you can, you will begin to understand what is correct and what isn’t. You will hear words used in the correct context. You will hear correct pronunciation and intonation. If you want to read more about immersion learning and how to do it you can read our blog post on immersion learning here.

To sum up, improving accuracy is an important part of learning any language. You shouldn’t, however, be so worried about it that you never say anything in conversation. If you use some of the tips in this blog post and work hard at correcting your most common mistakes, your accuracy will improve over time. 

If you’d like some help improving your accuracy, an English conversation school like Connect is a great place to start! You can book a free level check and trial lesson here, or find out more about the school and the courses we offer here.


  • proficiency (n) – ability – 能力
  • beneficial (adj) – producing good results – 有益な
  • context (n) – situation, the parts of a sentence or conversation before and after a word – 文脈




“I go to bed until midnight.”


例えば、“I played video games until 3am.”

“I lived in Spain until I was 5 years old.”

“I go to bed until midnight.”のようにuntilを使うと、真夜中前にベッドに入り、そのままそこにいるが、真夜中になるとベッドから出て他のことをする、ということになります。

ある時間までに起こる(完了した)行動について話したい場合は、代わりにby beforeを使うと良いでしょう。特に期限について話すときにはbyを使います。

“I go to bed before midnight.” 

“I have to finish my project by Friday.” 

このように、次にuntilを使うときは、ある時間に終了する継続的な事柄について話していることを確認しましょう。そうでない場合は、before by を使ってください。


この続きはまた次回、until next time! 


Common Mistakes: Until

As an English teacher here at Connect, I hear a lot of mistakes from my students. In this blog series, we take a look at some of the more common mistakes that I hear in the classroom. 

Recently, I was talking to a student about their daily routine, and he said something like this:

“I go to bed until midnight.”

Until can be a tricky word to use, especially as the sentence may be grammatically correct, but have a completely different meaning to what was intended. 

The important thing to remember with until is that we always use it with a continuous action or state that ends at a certain time. 

For example, 

“I played video games until 3am.” (I continued playing video games, and then I stopped playing at 3am.)

“I lived in Spain until I was 5 years old.” (I moved to a different county when I was 5 years old.)

So, if I say, “I go to bed until midnight”, it means that I go to bed before midnight and stay there, but at midnight, I get out of bed and do something else. 

If I want to talk about a (complete) action that happens before a certain time, then we would use by or before instead. We especially use by when we talk about deadlines. 

“I go to bed before midnight.” 

“I have to finish my project by Friday.” 

So, next time you want to use until, make sure you’re talking about a continuous activity that ends at a certain time. Otherwise, use before or by.

If you’d like to read about some more common mistakes that people often make in Japan, click here. If you’d still like to read more after that, you’ll just have to wait… until next time!

This blog is part of a series on common English mistakes that Japanese people make. Click here to view the other blog posts in the series.