







Celebrating 10 Years of Connect English

This year, we are celebrating the 10th anniversary of Connect Eikaiwa in Imaike, Nagoya! To mark the occasion, we had a big party with current and former staff and students. The event was full of fun, food, and fantastic memories.

We started with human bingo, a great way for everyone to meet and chat. The buffet and bar were delicious, but the highlight was the big anniversary cake, designed by Ben—it looked amazing and tasted even better.

Our resident DJ Keigo played music all night, and we enjoyed a special performance by Zak and two talented students, adding a unique touch to the evening.

Nilesh gave a heartfelt speech, thanking everyone who’s been part of Connect English over the past decade. This was followed by a presentation on the school’s history, reminding us of all the important moments we’ve had together.

A particularly touching moment was watching video messages from past teachers and students, like Dave who co-founded the school with Nilesh. It was moving to hear their fond memories and see the impact Connect Eikaiwa has had on their lives.

The celebration was a beautiful reminder of the strong community we’ve built. Here’s to many more years of learning, friendship, and success at Connect Eikaiwa in Imaike! Huge thanks to everyone who made this milestone unforgettable, especially Leedy, Noriko, GRAND CHEF for the meal, and Mustard Seed church for the venue.

Here’s to 10 more years of Connect, Cheers! 


  • occasion (n) – A special event or time.
  • former (adj) – Having previously been in a particular role or position.
  • heartfelt (adj) – Sincere; deeply and strongly felt.
  • milestone (n) – A significant stage or event in the development of something.
  • touching (adj) – Causing feelings of sympathy or gratitude; emotionally moving.
  • unforgettable (adj) – Impossible to forget; very memorable.