


1. 問題をよく読むこと。


2. ライティングの計画を立てる


3. エッセイをうまく構成する


  • イントロダクション、本文、結論の3つのパートに分けるべきです。イントロダクションと結論はエッセイを分かりやすくするために重要なだけでなく、文字数を増やすのにも役立ちます。
  • 本文では、段落ごとにアイデアを分ける必要があります – 新しいアイデアについて話したいときは、必ず改行して新しい段落から書き始めましょう。
  • まとまりを持たせる工夫をすることで、1つ1つのアイデアをつなげることができます。firstly、next、finally、in conclusion、however、in contrastなどの単語を積極的に使いましょう。

4. 様々な文法や語彙を使うようにしましょう。


5. 練習、練習、練習。




IELTS Writing Tips

Taking the IELTS test can be difficult. Every part of the test – listening, reading, writing and speaking – can challenge even the best English learner. However, after teaching IELTS in Japan for several years, I’ve noticed that it is often the skills of writing and speaking that students struggle with the most. With that in mind, here are some general tips to help you with the writing part of the IELTS test:

1. Read the question carefully. 

Your answer must be relevant to the question, so it’s important to read the question carefully to determine exactly what it is asking you to do. Is the question asking you to summarise data or describe a diagram or process? Is it asking you to agree or disagree with a statement? Is it asking you to discuss two opposing viewpoints? Make sure that you answer every part of the question – if the question asks you to discuss two viewpoints AND give your opinion, make sure that you do both of those things. 

2. Plan your answer

Planning your answer is essential to make sure that you don’t run out of things to say halfway through. Your plan shouldn’t be long – just a quick mindmap to put down some ideas on paper. When you have all of your ideas, number them in the order you want to talk about them in your essay.

3. Structure your essay well

Your essay should be structured well so that it is easy for the reader to follow your argument.

  1. It should be divided into three parts – an introduction, the main body, and a conclusion. Not only are the introduction and conclusion important for making your essay easier to follow, but they also help you to increase your word count easily.
  2. In your main body, you should divide your ideas using paragraphs – start a new paragraph on the next line every time you want to talk about a new idea.
  3. Use cohesive devices to connect your ideas and guide the reader through your essay. Cohesive devices include words like firstly, next, finally, in conclusion, however, and in contrast. 

4. Try to use a variety of grammar and vocabulary. 

You will be graded on the level and variety of your grammar and vocabulary, and your score will improve if you use high-level grammar even if you make some small mistakes. You should try to learn new vocabulary in your IELTS studies. Read a lot in order to learn new vocabulary in its correct context.

5. Practise, practise, practise. 

Write something every day. It doesn’t have to be a specific IELTS practice question (although you should do these too), but you should aim to practise writing in English as much as you can. Write a diary. Write a blog. Write little summaries of English articles or books that you’ve read. The more you write, the more comfortable you will get with writing. 


If you’re thinking about taking the IELTS test in the future, why not take an IELTS course at Connect? Our experienced, professional teachers will help you to get the IELTS score that you need! Check our IELTS lesson page for more details, or sign up for a free taiken lesson