イマージョン学習 Pt.2 : イマージョン学習の5つのコツ




1. 楽しむこと。


2. 自分のレベルに合ったメディアを選ぶ

自信さえあれば、お気に入りの英語のメディアをすぐにでも使い始めることができると思いますが、まだその自信がないのであれば、もう少し簡単なものから始めるとよいと思います。子供向けの英語メディアでもいいですが、退屈だと感じるのであれば、大人にとっても興味深い英語学習者向けのリソースが何百とあります。例えば、絵付きの本「Graded Readers」、簡単な会話のポッドキャスト、実生活のシチュエーションのYoutubeビデオなどがあります。可能であれば自分の言語レベルより少し高いメディアを選ぶことで、常に向上心を持ち続けることができます。

3. 英語しか使わない


4. すべてを理解しようとしない


5. 復習に暗記カードを使う


5 Tips for Immersion Learning

In our previous blog post, we looked at what immersion learning is and why it can be a great way to study English. In this blog post, we’ll give you some tips to get you started (and to keep you going) on your immersion learning journey! 

1. Have fun!

This is the key to staying motivated to learn English. If you spend all your time studying grammar from textbooks and revising long lists of vocabulary, you will lose interest quickly and possibly even give up. However, if you choose media you already enjoy, for example your favourite TV show, Youtube channel, podcast, or book, you will look forward to learning every day, and won’t even realise you are ‘studying’! 

2. Choose media at your level

If you feel confident, you can start using your favourite media in English straightaway, but if you don’t feel ready for that, you may want to start with something a little easier. This could be English media for children, but if that sounds boring there are hundreds of resources for English learners that are still interesting for adults, such as: graded readers with pictures, podcasts of simple conversations, and Youtube videos of real-life situations. Ideally, you should choose media that is a little higher than your language level, so you are constantly improving.

3. Only use English

It can be tempting to use Japanese audio or subtitles while watching a TV show or film, but this will make your English learning progress much slower. This is because your brain will simply pay attention to the Japanese and ignore the English. The best method is to use English subtitles and audio at the same time, as this will train both your listening and reading skills. It may be frustrating at first to not understand everything, but each episode you watch or book you read will get a little easier until eventually you can follow the story easily. 

4. Don’t try to understand everything

If you’re a perfectionist, you may want to stop and check the meaning of every new word or grammar you find, to fully understand what people are saying. This is fine if you know most of the words already, but can also make immersion learning really slow and take the fun out of it. Instead, try to only check the meaning of a new word or grammar if you hear it many times. This way, you only need to learn the most common English words, and can focus on enjoying the story instead. Over time you will also pick up lots of new words and phrases naturally, without needing to check your dictionary or textbook for the meaning. 

5. Use flashcards for revision

As you watch, listen or read English, note down any new words or phrases that you hear frequently. Then create flashcards with the Japanese word or sentence on the front and English translation on the back. You can either write them on paper or use flashcard apps such as Memrise or Anki. You could also add pictures or audio to help with memorisation. Make sure to study a few cards every day, and spend extra time on the difficult ones. This will help to keep any new words or phrases in your long-term memory and also make understanding English media easier the next time. 


Graded reader – グレーデッドリーダー(英語学習者を対象とした、文法・語彙を制限して書かれた段階別読み物)

Podcasts – ポッドキャスト

Flashcards – フラッシュカード

Memorisation – 暗記

Long-term memory – 長期記憶

Reference: https://refold.la/