


  1. 英語環境に自ら身を置く
  2. 英語のイディオムや表現を学ぶ
  3. 自分のスピーチを録音する
    自分の会話を録音することで、改善点を見つけることができます。発音、文法、語彙など、改善すべき点は録音したものを聴き、メモしておくとよいでしょう。IELTSのパート2の問題では、2分間与えられたトピックについて1人で語る能力が問われるので、必要不可欠な練習になります。Practice makes perfectです!
  4. ネイティブスピーカーと練習する
  5. レッスンを受ける


At our English conversation school, we specialize in helping students improve their speaking skills for IELTS. Our experienced teachers provide personalized coaching and feedback to help students build confidence and improve their fluency in English.

Here are a few tips to help you improve your speaking skills for IELTS:

  1. Immerse yourself
    One of the best ways to improve your speaking skills is to practice listening to a variety of English media every day. You can do this by watching English-language TV shows or movies, or listening to English-language podcasts. As you do this, you will find English expressions and vocabulary flowing out from your mouth.
  2. Learn English Idioms and Expressions
    IELTS examiners often look for candidates who can use idioms and expressions correctly in their speech. Learning English idioms and expressions can help you sound more natural and fluent when speaking.
  3. Record Yourself Speaking
    Recording yourself speaking English can help you identify areas where you need improvement. Listen to your recordings and take note of areas where you can improve, such as pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary. The part 2 question of the test focusses on your ability to provide a monologue on a topic for 2 minutes, so this will be invaluable practice. Remember practice makes perfect!
  4. Practice with Native English Speakers
    Practicing with native English speakers is a great way to improve your speaking skills. It allows you to learn from their pronunciation, intonation, and vocabulary, and also helps you develop the confidence to speak English in a real-life situation.
  5. Take Lessons
    At Connect conversation school, we offer a range of classes and workshops specifically designed to help students improve their speaking skills for IELTS. Our teachers provide personalized coaching and feedback to help you develop the knowledge, techniques and general ability to attain your desired IELTS score

So, if you’re looking to improve your speaking skills for IELTS, why not join our English conversation school today? First step, why not sign up here for a trial lesson?

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